Sunday, February 13, 2011

In the beginning

Where do I start?

I could go back to the story behind the Clark Story, way back to Adam and Eve or even further back to a place far away, long ago even before time, like where we were in the thoughts of God before the world was made. Now that would be an awesome place to start.

Can you believe that before the world was created God was thinking about me, my design, my looks of coarse, my story and my screw ups and all of the modifications He would have to make on the finished product, in fact everything about me, where I would be born and to whom and their story and before them how He would get us out of England and into Canada where we belonged and on and on… He was also dreaming about the relationship He would have with me and how much pleasure I would bring Him. He placed such value in me, even to the point of sonship.

And the biggest part was that he also planned for my screw-ups. He planned for me in the sending of His Son to earth. He thought about what it would take to bring me back to my original created value because He already knew what sin would do to me and how messed up I would be.

He wasn’t surprised by my sin. It didn’t catch Him off guard. His plan already incorporated my full redemption and what it would cost to restore me. You see He knew my sin would so impact my identity, destroying everything He’d dreamed about in His original plan for my life.

He knew what giving me freedom would do; to me and to the relationship He imagined having with me. He also knew what it would cost Him to bring me back to my original created value.

So He planned the cross….the place where my sin would be carried on His marred body on a tree some where outside of the walls of Jerusalem in a land far away. Two thousand years ago He became sin for me. He became my sin, the sin that so easily besets me and in His body, marred beyond recognition, There, representing the marring that sin had so caused to my identity, He destroyed it’s power over me once and for all, making me a brand new person, renewing all of the potential and promise of which He had originally dreamed.

Now this isn’t a religious story I am writing. This is just my story and it’s really cool.


Since every reader is also in the middle of their own story and since all of us, every person on this planet is at varying degrees of living loved, I’ve decided it would be best to change some names, especially of those who at the time of my writing haven’t yet been able to come clean with their past as it relates to embarrassing parts where our stories intersect. I left other names intact for people who over the coarse of this story were impacted by heaven’s touch.

Every man alive is living at varying degrees of security in their truest God ordained identity. We all respond and react to life from our own context of malnutrition or nutrition…insecurity or security. And since all earthlings suffer in one area or another it becomes illegal to point fingers as though we are not also infected. Sin in us is what it is, evil and ugly. But now because of the cross every man woman and child on this planet is in the middle of his or her own personal discovery and revelation of this love. Some fail to believe they are even in the story, some never make it out of kindergarten…but also very few graduate with honors. It is not my place to point out the weaknesses in others but to share in a way that you can relate with and begin to see yourself as the one He loves. Then you too will leave Heaven’s mark…heaven’s color, flavor and fragrance on the generation to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I want to leave heavens mark, color, flavor and fragrance for my kids also!
