Sunday, October 30, 2011

The safest place on earth

In Fathers arms.

He has never been an angry father. Often Old Covenant portions have portrayed him that way. But He never operates with anger like we often do. He never loses it. He is never frustrated. He doesn't get pissed off. His wrath is an expression of His love and is only used against the thing that is destroying the object of His affection.

I am that object. So I am always safe in his arms. In His arms is the safest place on earth.

As a parent who has sometimes out of anger been abusive with my own kids; He has never once been abusive to any of his. He has never had to apologize to me for losing His cool. If you really want to know him spend time in the Gospels with Jesus the friend of sinners.

Jesus was the exact representation of his dad. Like Father like Son.
Our Father is always approachable, always long suffering and kind, never envious, always secure, never rude; He doesn't get provoked, thinks no evil towards us, He bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. His love never fails.

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