Saturday, June 19, 2010

In search of better story?

I am on the precarious edge of better story.

I am reading Heidi Baker's book out loud to Mary, sobbing my way through it. I have never heard the sermon on the mount taught the way she teaches it with such simplicity and story. She models "living loved" as I have never heard or seen except in the Jesus story. She puts flesh around the sermon on the mount with such simplicity and beauty. All of a sudden biblical words like "abiding in the vine", "rest"," being in Christ", "trust" "meekness", "hunger", "poor in spirit", come alive as she simply "lives loved". No fear, no shame, no guilt, no condemnation.....just story after story of the power of "living loved".

Good versus Evil, heroes, villains, adventure, romance, courage, compassion, triumph, defeat, miracles and Love, preposterous amounts of Love. In all reality the story is a love story beginning in the heart of God and being fleshed out in sons and daughters through the simplicity of a faith marked by love .... and with it, the hope of better story for all of the rest of us as we too learn to "live loved".

The name of the book...Compelled by LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. I love that book, took it to Haiti with me. Didn't actually open it, bur found it was comforting to have close at hand.
