Saturday, June 4, 2011

The two sweet spots in Charlotte

I was leaving the Library, Billy Graham's Library, walking through the illuminated crosses in the last stage of the powerful presentation of the gospel for the umpteenth time... tears streaming down my cheeks.

There are actually two sweet spots I'll take you to in Charlotte when you come for a visit. Jack my brother in law, Ben my youngest, and I went first to the National White Water Center on Saturday braving the heat and the longer than usual lines. After signing off to any possibility of suing them for damages we spent at least 8 hours living on the literal edge... wrestling with all of the forces of nature....testing and proving our manliness. They told us nobody had actually died there that day.

We jumped off 40 ft. cliffs, tight rope walked over 60 ft gorges, climbed walls and ropes, sped through forests on zip lines and worked our way up to being thrown from the raft on our last and craziest run through the extreme number 4's....anyways all of the things Mary would find abhorrent. It was a sweet day!

But nothing is sweeter than an afternoon at the Billy Graham Library. I'll take you there when you come. We were ending our mostly self guided tour and again had the privilege of sitting in the comfortable theater seats watching Billy on the Big screen. George Beverly Sheas deep base voice was singing the last stanza of the close... "Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me and that though bids me come to thee, Oh Lamb of God I come, I come."

I can't visit the place without being physically and emotionally moved to tears as the presence of the Holy Spirit hovers. I still remember the first time at the age of five walking to the front of a stadium with the choir singing "Just as I am", acknowledging Christ personally as my saviour.

Scrolled across the screen appeared the last verses of Matthew 11. "COME UNTO ME, ALL YE THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVILY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST".

Religion is such a terrible task master. It relentlessly continues to work at wearing us out by shoveling guilt, fear and shame, with the "add ons" and the "should have's" of regret and manipulation... the spoken and unspoken message of "your still not good enough"; so "give more, (laugh less) and try harder."

But today after a 56 year battle with religion, with tears streaming down my face I am realizing afresh that the message is still the's still the best of news. It's how I began this race and it is how I will end it. It is all about How He loves! Every bit of it! LOL

The Message interprets it best, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

I'm about to be 61 and this is still the best of news...
He loves me....just like I am...

Come visit us in Charlotte!

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