Monday, March 1, 2010

Trust ... In the Dark

NOTE- Every thing we do as a result of not trusting His love for us, His good intentions towards us, draws us into ever-deepening bondage. True... whether expressed as self indulgence or religion, (indulging our selfish desires or trying to appease Him).

For the power of the cross to significantly change our lives it has to restore the TRUST level shattered in Eden and beyond.
When the reality of the cross sinks home, the enemies wedge of distrust is dislodged.

Look briefly at the end of the horror of the cross.
Sin had been consumed and His body spent! In His dying breath "into your hands I commit my spirit" He affirmed a heart of trust beyond comprehension. Even deaths barrier had now been crossed in a sense of absolute surrender and TRUST.

* The heritage of the cross is our heritage!!!

* It frees us from the bondage to sin that makes feel so estranged from His love and drives us to try and compensate.
* It also provides for us the certainty that we are loved.
* And what's more? His trust in the Father is now my truest potential! My heritage!!!

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